Firebase has a huge impact on web engineers in that development cost is surprisingly getting less to develop. We can focus on services, front-end, and design If we use it. But now, firebase and react-router have been upgraded to version 9 and 6 respectively. So the interface and name of variables have been changed significantly, so the old code won’t work as it is. I’ll show you a code that translated the version of the below code on GitHub using the latest Firebase and React-Router.
This code is introduced on a youtube video from “Webdev Simplified”
The “Webdev Simplified” is a great channel for web engineers. I watched this channel sometimes when I am interested in it.
My whole code is here.
// In version8, you can call functions in object (auth) thru as methods.
// Firebase version 8
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
// In version9, you need to import functions from firebase-package.
// Firebase version 9
import { signInWithEmailAndPassword} from "firebase/auth";
Not only for the name of variables, but also way of using get quite different.
Here shows example.
// In version 5
<PrivateRoute exact path="/" component={Dashboard} />
// In version 6
// You should set Routes directly as child on Routes.
<Route exact path="/"
// In version 5
const history = useHistory()
// In version 6
const history = useNavigate()
// In version 5
// In version 6