October 19, 2024

My first destination for the trip by airplane in the US was Denver.
Because I didn’t have much time to enjoy the trip, I chose Denver which is relatively close to Chicago.
I applied for a Rocky Mountain tour, and ride a tour bus. The 6 participants were all young, they looked 20-30 years old. First, the tour guide(an old guy) took us bird watching. After 1-2 hours driving from Denver, we sometimes got off the tour bus and watched birds with binoculars. He is a master of nature, he was able to find birds quickly without tools. He explained about species of birds, trees, and animals that are living around the Rocky.

The lunch that day was a turkey sandwich. It was the first time to eat a turkey sandwich for me. I had believed turkey must be good until this moment, but I learned it’s not so much. It felt dried.
But the people around me were nice. An American woman on this tour participant was nearby me. She was an employee of Whole foods. She told me how to pronounce some English words at lunchtime. I admired how much my tongue moved fast, and I was convinced I won’t be able to imitate that. She came to Denver from Dallas, Texas by car. It is 800 miles away! What a wild! And also, told me about her recommendable place to visit in Texas. I studied there are famous in the field of politics.
After taking lunch, we went around the park. Seeing nature like lakes, and watching animals.
My seat was next to a guy wearing a glass from France. I felt France is quite far from the US, It was a bit surprising to me. He was an engineer as well as me, nevertheless, He was a very awful photographer. Look at my picture that when I was on the lake. It was the best shot of his picture. I am so tiny that we cannot distinguish who it is. He captured photos using my camera while slipping on the ice. Almost all the pictures that he captured were blurred. Thank you for giving us a laugh, Mr.Monsieur. After enjoying the tour, I went to dinner with a French guy and an American woman. My first trip to the US ended without big trouble. I felt relieved. But, trouble waited for me when I got back. I had caught the flu and had been in my bed almost for a week.