October 19, 2024
Explanationssimple queueing service which is mainly used in embedded system.
Simple & Power saving.
Provides a variety of messaging environments and improved performance with respect to security protocols.
High reliability & Many functions
BackgroundMQTT is developed by vendor driven (IBM)JP Morgan developed AMQP for financial apps
Architectureclient/broker architectureclient/broker & client/server architecture
Protocol designSimplifies the process of encrypting messaging using TLS and authenticating clients using modern protocols such as OAuthTCP-based protocol that is using both types of publisher/subscribe & request/response connection
User SecuritySimple user authentication (weak)Comprehensive user security and authentication measures
Clients- Servers RelationshipAsymmetricSymmetric
ScalabilityVery scalable (for embedded devices; generally low power & low compute)Scalable
ReliabilityIt has 3 levels of reliable message deliveryIt has 2 levels of reliable message delivery
ImplementationMosquitto, RabbitMQ (with plugin)RabbitMQ, ApachMQ, AmazonMQ