October 19, 2024


Finding optimum solution in black box functions can be essential techniques in technology field. For that purpose, many approaches are going to be researched. To choosing the best solution, I summarize the difference between those approaches in a table.


TPEBayesian OptimizationGenetic Algorithms
ApproachDivides parameter space into two distributions and proposes new samples based on these.Uses Gaussian processes to model and explore the function shape with uncertainty.Evolves solutions through genetic operations on a population, seeking the optimal solution.
CostRelatively low (simple calculation for sample proposals).High (requires computation of kernel functions and matrix inversions).Medium to high (requires many individuals and generations, each needing evaluation).
ScalabilityAdapts well to high-dimensional parameter spaces.Scalability decreases as dimensionality and complexity increase.Can handle high-dimensional problems if parameters are set appropriately.
Parameter DependencyFew hyperparameters, relatively easy to configure.Kernel selection and hyperparameter tuning are crucial.Many parameters to configure, such as crossover rate, mutation rate, and selection method.
Ease of UseUser-friendly and implemented in many libraries.Requires specialized knowledge for proper kernel selection.Many parameters to set, which may require trial and error.
Application RangeWide range of problems but may converge to local optima.Very precise optimization possible, but practical applications may be limited by computational cost.Broad applicability in both continuous and discrete optimization problems.