October 19, 2024


Understanding EHVI is quite complicated. So by following the BoTorch code and some papers, I will quickly see the usage and basic concept,


Bayesian Estimation based on Expected Hyper Volume Improvement(EHVI)

in BoTorch Tutorial (https://botorch.org/tutorials/multi_objective_bo), what they do is to call 3 functions, fit_gpytorch_mll, qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement and optimize_acqf.

The fit_gpytorch_mll simply optimizes model parameters based on marginal likelihood loss (training), and the qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement defines what kind of acquisition function to use as metrics. And then, optimize_acqf gives us candidates in explanatory variables space where we could increase hyper volume improvement.

But what is Hypervolume itself or its process to be computed?

Code in Tutorial

def optimize_qnehvi_and_get_observation(
    model, train_x, train_obj, sampler
    """Optimizes the qEHVI acquisition function, and returns a new candidate and observation."""
    # partition non-dominated space into disjoint rectangles
    acq_func = qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement(
        ref_point=problem.ref_point.tolist(),  # use known reference point
        X_baseline=normalize(train_x, problem.bounds),
        prune_baseline=True,  # prune baseline points that have estimated zero probability of being Pareto optimal
    # optimize
    candidates, _ = optimize_acqf(
        raw_samples=RAW_SAMPLES,  # used for intialization heuristic
        options={"batch_limit": 5, "maxiter": 200},
    # observe new values
    new_x = unnormalize(candidates.detach(), bounds=problem.bounds)
    return new_x

qnehvi_sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(sample_shape=torch.Size([MC_SAMPLES]))
new_x = optimize_qnehvi_and_get_observation(
    model_qnehvi, train_x_qnehvi, train_obj_qnehvi, qnehvi_sampler
new_obj_true = problem(new_x)
new_obj = new_obj_true + torch.randn_like(new_obj_true) * NOISE_SE

Hypervolume Improvement

The definition of Hypervolume improvement in formula is like this.

\text{HVI}(P_0|P, r) = HV(P ∪ P0|r) − HV(P|r)

Suppose we have reference point on the left lower in the graph, and somehow we would like to get pareto front by maximizing 2 objectives. The blue area where is surrounded by pareto front and reference point is so called Hypervolume.

The points xd which are inside the hypervolume is said that these are weakly “dominated” against pareto front.

x_p \succeq x_d

The problem setting we have is to maximize that area by using Gaussian Process for black-box approximation. And the Gaussian Process is regarded as stochastic model, turn out that the hypervolume is also stochastic. So somehow, we would like to get expectation of hypervolume.

Expected Hypervolume Improvement

As we looked at previous section, the idea is to take expectation over Hypervolume based on Gaussian Process. But the problem is, we cannot compute the expectation analytically since it is Hypervolume. So, what the implementation does is to do Monte Carlo (MC) sampling and to take integration over the sampled data. What the SobolQMCNormalSampler in code plays is the role.

\alpha_{\text{EHVI}}(x) = \int \alpha_{\text{EHVI}}(x \mid \mathcal{P}_n) p(f \mid \mathcal{D}_n) \, df\\
\hat{\alpha}_{ \text{NEHVI}}(x) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^{N} \text{HVI}\left(\tilde{f}_t(x) \mid \mathcal{P}_t\right)

Optimize Acquisition Function

Once you’ve decided which acquisition function to use, the process will optimize the acquisition function you’ve set. This involves sampling based on the raw samples, calculating metrics like EHV, and optimizing the samples using backpropagation. By taking expectation over samples, you would know EHVI and the next candidate points where it is good to sample.