October 19, 2024

The features of EfficientAD

  • Determining normal (local) features through learning by using quite simple convolutional neural network
    • Computation time in the inference process is quite fast (It is just simple convolution)
    • The receptive field is NOT broad(33 by 33), and it is controllable
    • Extracting features using distillation from ImageNet task
    • Training process might take time
  • Considering logical (it probably means global) features by AutoEncoder
  • Compute anomaly score from the above two sets of local features/global features

The features of PatchCore

  • Determining normal (local) features by sampling feature map from ResNet
    • Training process for neural network is not necessary
    • The receptive field highly depends on ResNet
    • Nearest neighbor search is required for inference step
  • Not considering logical (global) features
  • Determine an anomaly score by comparing it with the sampled normal features mentioned above.

The Advantage and Disadvantage of EfficientAD Compared to PatchCore


  • The network structure is very simple and has low computational complexity.
  • Learning normal features using Back Propagation eliminates the need for sampling normal features.
  • Measures are taken to avoid overfitting to normal features.
    • Quantile Sampling is used to prevent overfitting to excessive normal features.
    • A Penalty Term for the Student Network helps avoid ImageNet Bias.
  • The use of distillation makes it easier to control the Receptive Field (unlike PatchCore, which relies on ResNet/WideResNet).
  • The receptive field of EffectiveAD is easily controllable. It is exatcly within 33 pixels on initial setting. PatchCore exhibits a broader dependence, which may potentially have a negative impact on anomaly localization.
  • It can also consider global features in anomaly detection.


  • Training models is necessary. Training may take some time.
  • It involves a complex learning scheme and hyperparameter tuning.


VIsualize Receptive Field of PDN in EfficientAD comapring with the other architecture.