October 19, 2024

Unitary Matrix

When a square matrix is as described below, it is called a normal matrix.


When A is a normal matrix, there exists a unitary matrix that can diagonalize A as follows

U^{\dagger}AU = \sum_j \lambda_j \ket{j}\bra{j}

This means that there is normal orthogonal basis.

A = \sum_j e^{i\theta_j} \ket{\psi_j}\bra{\psi_j}

Since Unitary matrix is normal matrix, Unitary matrix should be decomposed as

U = \sum_j e^{i\theta_j} \ket{\psi_j}\bra{\psi_j}

Helmite Matrix

The helmite matrix is special case of matrix, when the Hermitian conjugate (adjoint matrix) is equal to the original matrix.


So, its eigen values take real values in this case

H = \sum_j \lambda_j \ket{\psi_j}\bra{\psi_j}

Using a Hermitian operator ensures that a physical quantity is derived as a real number.