October 19, 2024

For managing a WordPress instance, the following directories or files should be backed up regularly:

  1. wp-content: This directory contains all the themes, plugins, and uploaded media files for your WordPress site. It is important to back up this directory to preserve the customizations and configurations made to your site.
  2. wp-config.php: This file contains the database connection information and other important configuration settings for your WordPress site.
  3. Database: WordPress uses a database to store all of its data, such as posts, pages, comments, and user information. You should regularly back up your database to ensure that you can restore your site in the event of data loss.
  4. Uploads: The uploads directory is located inside the wp-content directory and contains all the uploaded media files, such as images and videos. If you have a lot of media files on your site, you may want to back up this directory separately.

It’s also a good practice to keep backups of these directories in a separate location or in a cloud-based storage solution, to ensure that they can be restored in the event of a disaster or data loss.

If you are using Kubernetes for managing WordPress instances, it is good to use Persistent Volume.