October 19, 2024

Reflecting on the technology I’ve been studying, the seminal work that stands at its root is the book “Application of the Kalman Filter,” authored by Dr. Katayama.

Despite the word “application” in the title, the book looks into fundamental mathematics, covering set theory, matrix manipulation, algebra, statistics, and probability theory. I devoted a significant amount of time to this book, spending several months to get through all the chapters. As my inaugural foray into such material, I found its content quite challenging.

My understanding of the subject deepened, and through this process, I came to realize the true nature of understanding itself. I’ve come to see understanding as a process of resolving contradictions. It requires focusing on the logic within the text, even when the formulas or symbols may elude comprehension.

If you can grasp the key points the author intends to convey, you’ll inevitably come to understand the meaning of the words, their formulas, and their symbols. Understanding is, in a sense, a form of trial and error, and this book taught me that abundantly. This theoretical knowledge also paved the way for me to grasp other areas of study.

This theory originated in the 1960s, and when I studied it in 2010, Dr. Kalman, the theorist, was still alive. He has since passed away. This book might have been the catalyst that led me to the United States, where he studied.

I extend my gratitude to Dr. Kalman and Dr. Katayama. Your work has been invaluable, and I’ve gained so much from it.